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Prakriti Analysis
A journey to Ayurvedic Lifestyle

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Why Prakriti Analysis is needed?

Prakriti analysis is a crucial step towards understanding oneself, as it provides insights into the fundamental nature of an individual. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna himself spoke about the importance of self-knowledge, and Prakriti analysis is a valuable tool in achieving this understanding.

Each person is born with a specific Prakriti, which can be classified as Rajas (Fire), Sattva (Air), or Tamas (Water). The Fire Prakriti is action-based, the Air Prakriti is knowledge-based, and the Water Prakriti is resource-based. It's essential to know your Prakriti type, as it remains constant throughout your life, from the moment of conception until the end of life.

Deviating from one's Prakriti can result in various problems and challenges in life. For example, if you have a Fire Prakriti and engage in activities or consume foods that are not suitable for your type, you will face difficulties. Each Prakriti has its own set of dietary requirements, activities, and methods for maintaining balance.

In addition to providing personalized Prakriti analysis, Prakhar Dixit also offers guidance on oils and other practices that can enable the seven chakras in the body, helping individuals achieve a greater sense of balance and harmony in life. Clients can also benefit from recorded guided meditation audios tailored to their specific Prakriti type.

In summary, Prakriti analysis is an essential step towards understanding oneself, and Prakhar Dixit's services can help individuals achieve greater balance, harmony, and fulfillment in life.


1 First Meeting:

In a personal meeting will be done after you have filled the Prakriti Analysis Questionnaire. Your concerns will be noted down and goals will be enlisted and Analysis will be done in person.


2 Preparation of Report

Report will be prepared customized to your Prakriti and all the solution will be mentioned in that report.


3 Second Meeting

Reports will be explained to you in meeting and how the implementation of remedies and procedure will be explained.


4 Feedback and Update if needed

After 3 weeks of application of the remedies, feedback meeting will be arranged and if any update is needed will be suggested during that meeting.

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